To sync an offline database to an online MongoDB Atlas database using Realm, you can follow these steps. Realm simplifies the process of data synchronization between your local (offline) database and the cloud database:
1. **Set Up a MongoDB Atlas Cluster**:
- Create a MongoDB Atlas account if you don't have one.
- Set up a cluster in your MongoDB Atlas account to host your cloud database.
2. **Set Up Realm**:
- In your MongoDB Atlas dashboard, navigate to the Realm section.
- Create a new Realm application if you haven't already.
3. **Create a Realm App**:
- Inside your Realm application, create a new Realm app, which will be associated with your MongoDB Atlas cluster.
4. **Define Data Models**:
- Define the data models for your documents in Realm. These data models should match the structure of your MongoDB documents.
5. **Set Up Sync**:
- In your Realm app, set up data synchronization by linking your MongoDB Atlas cluster.
- Define which data to sync, specify which collections to synchronize, and set permissions and access control rules.
6. **Integrate the Realm SDK**:
- In your client application (e.g., a mobile app or web app), integrate the Realm SDK. Realm provides SDKs for different platforms, including JavaScript, Swift, and Android.
7. **Configure the Sync Client**:
- Configure the Realm sync client to connect to your Realm application in MongoDB Atlas. You will need your Realm App ID and other configuration details.
8. **Initialize and Sync Data**:
- Initialize the sync client in your application and start syncing data. When you perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations in your app, the Realm SDK will handle the synchronization of data between your offline database and the MongoDB Atlas cloud database.
Here is a simplified example using the Realm JavaScript SDK in a web application:
// Initialize the Realm Sync Client
const app = new Realm.App({ id: 'your-realm-app-id' });
// Authenticate the user
const credentials = Realm.Credentials.anonymous();
const user = await app.logIn(credentials);
// Open a realm and start syncing data
const config = {
schema: [YourDataModel1, YourDataModel2],
sync: {
user: user,
partitionValue: 'your-partition-key',
const realm = await;
// Perform CRUD operations on the local realm, and data will be synchronized with MongoDB Atlas.
This is a simplified overview, and the actual implementation may vary depending on the programming language and platform you are using. Be sure to consult the Realm documentation specific to your platform and language for detailed instructions and best practices.
Remember to secure your data by configuring appropriate access control and permissions in your Realm application to control which users have access to the synchronized data.