
Showing posts with the label Rails

Fix: How to cache an attached Excel file using Rails?

 Caching an attached Excel file in a Ruby on Rails application typically involves using a combination of Rails' caching mechanisms and storage services. Here's a general guide on how to achieve this: 1. **Add the Attachment**:    Ensure you have a model in your Rails application that handles file attachments. You can use a gem like Paperclip, CarrierWave, ActiveStorage (built into Rails 5+), or any other attachment library. For example, with ActiveStorage, you can attach files to your model like this:    ```ruby    class Report < ApplicationRecord      has_one_attached :excel_file    end    ``` 2. **Upload the Excel File**:    Your application should allow users to upload Excel files and attach them to a specific record. 3. **Enable Caching**:    Rails provides built-in caching support. You can configure caching by specifying the cache store in your `config/environments/production.rb` file. For example, to use file-based caching:    ```ruby    config.cache_store = :file_stor

Fix: HMR not working when updating app/components/{component_name}.html.erb in Rails 7

 If Hot Module Replacement (HMR) is not working as expected when updating `.html.erb` files in a Rails 7 application, it might be related to how Webpacker is configured. Here are steps to troubleshoot and fix this issue: 1. **Check Webpacker Configuration**:    Verify that your Webpacker configuration is set up correctly, and that it's watching for changes in your `.html.erb` files. Make sure you have the following configurations in your `config/webpacker.yml`:    ```yaml    # config/webpacker.yml    hot: true    extensions:      - .erb    ```    The `hot` option enables HMR, and the `extensions` array includes `.erb` files. 2. **Check Development Server**:    Ensure that you are running your development server using the `webpack-dev-server`. This is typically done using the `bin/webpack-dev-server` command. The development server should be responsible for handling HMR. Make sure you are not just using the Rails server (e.g., `rails server`) for development. 3. **HTML Layout File**

jsonapi-serializer - Return slug instead of id for relationship

 In the `jsonapi-serializer` library for serializing JSON API data, you can customize how relationships are represented, including returning the slug instead of the id for a relationship. You can achieve this by using the `keyForAttribute` and `relationshipLinks` options when defining your serializer. Here's how you can return a slug instead of an id for a relationship using `jsonapi-serializer`: Assuming you have a model with a relationship like this: ```javascript // Model {   id: 1,   name: "Example Model",   slug: "example-model" } ``` 1. Define your serializer and specify how relationships should be serialized: ```javascript const JSONAPISerializer = require("jsonapi-serializer").Serializer; const serializer = new JSONAPISerializer("model", {   attributes: ["name", "slug"], // Include the attributes you want   keyForAttribute: "underscored", // You can customize the key format   relationshipLinks: {     // C

Rails Omniauth with custom OAuth2 raises csrf_detected when not signed in

 The error "csrf_detected" in the context of an OAuth2 authentication flow with OmniAuth in a Ruby on Rails application typically indicates a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection issue. This error often occurs when the user is not signed in, and a CSRF token is not available for the OAuth2 callback request. Here are steps to address this issue: 1. **Use CSRF Middleware**: Ensure that the CSRF protection middleware is correctly configured in your Rails application. This middleware generates and validates authenticity tokens to protect against CSRF attacks. Make sure that it is included in your `application.rb` or `application_controller.rb`:    ```ruby    protect_from_forgery with: :exception    ```    This line should be present by default in your `application_controller.rb`. If it's not there, add it. 2. **Authentication Before Callback**: Ensure that the user is authenticated before reaching the OAuth2 callback. The CSRF token is typically generated as part of t