
Showing posts with the label Locale

Change a locale definition (as opposed to a locale setting)

 Changing a locale definition involves modifying or creating custom locale definitions in Linux. Locale definitions are stored in text files and specify how various aspects of the system, such as character encoding, date and time formats, and currency symbols, are presented to users. Modifying or creating a custom locale definition is a more advanced task and should be done with caution. Here's a general outline of how you can change a locale definition: 1. **Locate Existing Locale Definitions**:    Locale definitions are typically stored in the `/usr/share/i18n/locales/` directory. Use the `locale` command to list the available locales:    ```bash    locale -a    ```    This command will show you a list of installed locales. Choose a locale definition that is close to what you want to create or modify. 2. **Copy an Existing Locale Definition**:    To create a new custom locale or modify an existing one, you'll typically make a copy of an existing locale definition and edit it.