
Showing posts with the label VNC

Fix: Upload a text file on SVN server using RestSharp (C#)

 To upload a text file to an SVN server using RestSharp in C#, you can make an HTTP PUT request to the SVN server's URL with the content of the file in the request body. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do this: 1. **Install RestSharp**:    Make sure you have RestSharp installed in your C# project. You can install it using NuGet Package Manager or the .NET CLI:    ```    dotnet add package RestSharp    ``` 2. **Create the REST Client**:    Create a RestSharp RestClient object to interact with the SVN server. You need to specify the base URL of your SVN server.    ```csharp    using RestSharp;    // ...    var client = new RestClient("");    ```    Replace `""` with the actual URL of the file in your SVN repository where you want to upload the text file. 3. **Create the Request**:    Create an HTTP PUT request to upload the text file. Set the req

Black screen on VNC viewer(Unable to contact setting server)

 A black screen on a VNC viewer, accompanied by an "Unable to contact setting server" error message, can occur for various reasons. This issue is typically associated with problems related to the VNC server or server settings. Here are steps to troubleshoot and resolve the issue: 1. **Check VNC Server Status**:    Ensure that the VNC server is running and active on the remote host. You should be able to connect to the VNC server on the remote machine. Check the VNC server's status and restart it if necessary. 2. **Firewall Configuration**:    Firewalls on the remote machine or network might be blocking VNC connections. Make sure that your firewall settings allow VNC traffic. Configure your firewall to permit VNC connections on the appropriate port (default is 5900). Check if there are any firewall rules that are preventing the VNC server from communicating. 3. **VNC Server Configuration**:    Review the VNC server's configuration settings. Ensure that it's configu