
Showing posts with the label String

Parse a line of pairs of delimited string and construct new command

 To parse a line of pairs of delimited strings and construct a new command, you can use a scripting language like Python. I'll provide a Python example to illustrate how to do this. Suppose you have a line of pairs of delimited strings, where each pair is separated by a delimiter, and the strings within each pair are separated by another delimiter. You want to construct a new command from these pairs. Here's an example in Python: ```python # Sample input line with pairs of delimited strings input_line = "name=John,age=30;city=New York,occupation=Engineer" # Split the input line into pairs using the first delimiter pair_strings = input_line.split(';') # Initialize an empty dictionary to store the pairs pair_dict = {} # Parse each pair and construct the dictionary for pair_string in pair_strings:     key_value_pairs = pair_string.split(',')     for key_value in key_value_pairs:         key, value = key_value.split('=')         pair_dict[key] = va