
Showing posts with the label props

Component props not working to fetch data

 If your component props are not working to fetch data, there could be several reasons for this issue. Here are some common troubleshooting steps to consider: 1. Check the Prop Names: Ensure that the prop names you are using to fetch data match the prop names defined in your component. For example, if you're passing a prop called "data" to your component, make sure you're accessing it as `` within the component. 2. Verify Data Source: Double-check that the data source you're trying to fetch from is accessible and returning the expected data. You can use tools like `console.log` or debugging tools to inspect the data being passed to your component. 3. Prop Types: If you're using a type-checking library like PropTypes or TypeScript, make sure the prop types are correctly defined. Incorrect prop types can lead to unexpected behavior. 4. Asynchronous Data: If you're fetching data asynchronously (e.g., via an API call), ensure that you're handling