Setting indent blankline plugin in lua with custom options

 To set up the `indent-blankline` plugin with custom options in Lua, you need to configure the plugin by adding specific settings to your `init.lua` file for Awesome WM. Here's how you can set up the `indent-blankline` plugin with custom options in Lua:

1. **Install the Plugin**:

   Make sure you have the `indent-blankline` plugin installed in your system. You can usually install it via a package manager like `luarocks`. For example:



   luarocks install indent_blankline


2. **Require the Plugin**:

   In your `init.lua`, require the `indent-blankline` plugin and set it up with your custom options. Here's an example of how to do this:


   -- Require the plugin

   local ibl = require("indent_blankline")

   -- Configure custom options

   ibl.setup {

       char = "▏",                -- Character used for indentation lines

       buftype_exclude = {"terminal"},  -- Exclude certain buffer types

       space_char_blankline = " ",      -- Character used for spaces (if not using `char`)

       show_current_context = true,     -- Show indentation of the current context


   -- Enable the plugin

   vim.cmd("autocmd CursorMoved * IndentBlanklineRefresh")


   In this example, custom options like the character used for the indent lines, buffer type exclusions, space character, and more are set as per your requirements. Adjust these options to your liking.

3. **Enable the Plugin**:

   In the example above, we set up an autocmd to refresh the blank lines as the cursor moves. You can adjust this behavior as needed or trigger it manually based on your workflow.

4. **Restart or Reload Awesome WM**:

   To see the changes, you may need to restart or reload Awesome WM.

Remember that `indent-blankline` is typically a plugin used in Vim for code editing, and it may not provide the same experience in Awesome WM. The setup mentioned above assumes you are integrating it with Awesome WM to improve code readability. Be aware that some customizations might not work as expected or might require further adjustments to suit your environment.


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