
Showing posts with the label Lua

Setting indent blankline plugin in lua with custom options

 To set up the `indent-blankline` plugin with custom options in Lua, you need to configure the plugin by adding specific settings to your `init.lua` file for Awesome WM. Here's how you can set up the `indent-blankline` plugin with custom options in Lua: 1. **Install the Plugin**:    Make sure you have the `indent-blankline` plugin installed in your system. You can usually install it via a package manager like `luarocks`. For example:        ```    luarocks install indent_blankline    ``` 2. **Require the Plugin**:    In your `init.lua`, require the `indent-blankline` plugin and set it up with your custom options. Here's an example of how to do this:    ```lua    -- Require the plugin    local ibl = require("indent_blankline")    -- Configure custom options    ibl.setup {        char = "▏",                -- Character used for indentation lines        buftype_exclude = {"terminal"},  -- Exclude certain buffer types        space_char_blankline = &quo