
Showing posts with the label Xorg

How do I correctly transfer xrandr settings to xorg.conf?

 To correctly transfer xrandr settings to xorg.conf, you will need to create a custom xorg.conf file that includes the desired settings. Here are the steps to do this: 1. **Generate a Template xorg.conf File**:    If you don't already have an xorg.conf file, you can generate a template using the following command:    ```bash    sudo Xorg :1 -configure    ```    This command runs a new X server (numbered 1) and generates a sample xorg.conf file in the current directory. You may need to adjust the display number depending on your system. 2. **Edit the xorg.conf File**:    Open the generated xorg.conf file with a text editor. For example:    ```bash    sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf    ``` 3. **Add xrandr Settings**:    In the `Screen` or `Monitor` section of the xorg.conf file, you can add your desired xrandr settings. For example:    ```plaintext    Section "Monitor"        Identifier "Monitor0"        Option "PreferredMode" "1920x1080"    EndSe