
Showing posts with the label tmux

Fix: Binding escape-j prefix in tmux conflicts with neovim

 When binding the escape key in Tmux, especially using the `tmux.conf` configuration file, you might encounter conflicts with Neovim, as both applications use the escape key for different purposes. To resolve this conflict, you can try the following: 1. Change the Tmux escape key:    In your `tmux.conf` file, you can change the escape key to a different key combination. For example, you can use `Ctrl-a` as the Tmux prefix instead of `Ctrl-b`. This can be done with the following line in your `tmux.conf`:    ```    set -g prefix C-a    bind C-a send-prefix    ```    This would make Tmux use `Ctrl-a` as the prefix key, avoiding conflicts with Neovim. 2. Adjust Neovim keybindings:    If you prefer to keep the Tmux escape key as it is, you can adjust Neovim's keybindings to use a different key combination for specific commands or mappings. This might require modifying your Neovim configuration. 3. Check for other key conflicts:    Review both your Tmux and Neovim configurations for any

Does tmux run-shell support interactive shell?

 `tmux run-shell` is primarily designed to run non-interactive shell commands within a tmux session. It's not well-suited for running interactive shell sessions.  If you want to interact with a shell session inside tmux, you would typically create a new pane or window and run a shell in that pane, which allows for full interactivity. You can do this with the `tmux split-window` or `tmux new-window` commands followed by your preferred shell (e.g., `bash` or `zsh`). For example, to create a new horizontal split with an interactive bash session: ``` tmux split-window -h ``` You can then type `bash` to start an interactive shell session in that split. So, while `tmux run-shell` is useful for running one-off commands, it's not intended for interactive shell sessions.