
Showing posts with the label Flatpak

ubuntu dock duplicated icon on flatpack app

 If you're experiencing duplicated icons on the Ubuntu Dock for a Flatpak application, it's likely due to the way that Flatpak apps are integrated into the GNOME Shell. Here are steps to resolve the issue: 1. **Check for Multiple Installs**: First, ensure that you don't have multiple installations of the same Flatpak application. Sometimes, having more than one installation can lead to duplicated icons. 2. **Refresh Flatpak Repositories**: Update your Flatpak repositories and make sure you have the latest versions of the applications. Run the following command to update Flatpak:    ```    flatpak update    ``` 3. **Reset the GNOME Shell**: Sometimes, issues with duplicated icons can be resolved by restarting or resetting the GNOME Shell. You can do this by pressing `Alt` + `F2`, typing "r" in the command box, and hitting Enter. This will restart the shell. 4. **Check `.desktop` Files**: Ensure that there are no duplicate `.desktop` files in your system that may be