
Showing posts with the label axios

Fix: How to combine debounce and Abort Controller for axios

 Combining debounce and an AbortController with Axios allows you to make requests with debounced input while also being able to cancel previous requests if new ones are made before the previous one completes. This can be helpful for scenarios like typeahead search or autocomplete functionality. Here's an example of how to combine debounce and an AbortController with Axios: First, make sure you have Axios and the `lodash.debounce` library installed: ```bash npm install axios lodash.debounce ``` Now, create a function that combines these features: ```javascript import axios from 'axios'; import debounce from 'lodash.debounce'; const api = axios.create({   baseURL: '', // Replace with your API URL }); // Create an AbortController instance const abortController = new AbortController(); // Initialize a variable to keep track of the last request let lastRequest = null; // Function to make the API request const makeApiRequest = async (query)