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Permission denied error while installing/updating package in Raspberry Pi

 A "Permission denied" error when installing or updating packages on a Raspberry Pi typically means that the user trying to perform the action doesn't have the necessary permissions. Here are some common solutions: 1. **Use Sudo**: Most package management commands on Linux, including Raspberry Pi, require superuser privileges. Use `sudo` before your command to run it with elevated permissions:    ```    sudo apt update    sudo apt install package-name    ``` 2. **Check User Permissions**: Ensure that you are logged in as a user with the necessary permissions. By default, the `pi` user on Raspberry Pi has sudo privileges. 3. **File Ownership**: If you encounter permission issues when updating or installing packages, check that the package management directories are owned by the correct user. You can change ownership with `sudo chown` if needed:    ```    sudo chown -R pi:pi /var/cache/apt/archives    ```    Replace "pi:pi" with the appropriate user and group if y