
Showing posts with the label FIFS

Putting Oracle Linux 9.2 in the FIPS mode

 To put Oracle Linux 9.2 into FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) mode, you'll need to follow specific procedures to ensure that the system complies with FIPS security standards. Here's a general overview of the steps you would typically take: 1. **Check Prerequisites:**    - Ensure that you have administrative access to the system.    - Backup your data and configurations as enabling FIPS mode can have a significant impact on system behavior. 2. **Install FIPS-Compliant Packages:**    - Oracle Linux includes packages specifically designed for FIPS compliance. You may need to install these packages. Use the package manager (e.g., `yum` or `dnf`) to do this. 3. **Enable FIPS Mode:**    - Edit the `/etc/sysconfig/kernel` file to include the line: `FIPS=1`    - Ensure the bootloader configuration also specifies FIPS mode. Edit the `/etc/default/grub` file and append `fips=1` to the `GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX` parameter. 4. **Update the GRUB Configuration:**    - After making