
Showing posts with the label Awk

how to refactor simple script to be pipeable (take in input from stdout)

 To refactor a simple script to be pipeable, you can modify it to accept input from standard input (stdin) instead of taking input as command-line arguments. This allows you to use the script in a pipeline where the output of one command becomes the input of your script. Here's a basic example of how to do this: Let's say you have a simple script named `` that accepts two numbers as command-line arguments and adds them: ```bash #!/bin/bash num1="$1" num2="$2" sum=$((num1 + num2)) echo "The sum is: $sum" ``` To make it pipeable, you can modify the script to read input from stdin and perform the addition. Here's a refactored version: ```bash #!/bin/bash while read -r num1 num2; do     sum=$((num1 + num2))     echo "The sum is: $sum" done ``` With this refactored script, you can use it in a pipeline like this: ```bash echo "5 7" | ./ ``` You can also provide input from a file like this: ```bash ./myscript.

How to filter a table using awk

 You can filter a table using `awk` by specifying the conditions that determine which rows you want to keep or exclude. Here's a basic example of how to do this: Suppose you have a table in a file called `data.txt` with columns separated by tabs or spaces, and you want to filter rows where the value in the second column is greater than 50. You can use `awk` as follows: ```bash awk '$2 > 50' data.txt ``` In this example, `$2` refers to the second column, and the condition `$2 > 50` checks if the value in the second column is greater than 50. Only the rows that satisfy this condition will be displayed. You can also use logical operators like `&&` (and) or `||` (or) to create more complex conditions. For instance, if you want to filter rows where the second column is greater than 50 and the fourth column is "A," you can do it like this: ```bash awk '$2 > 50 && $4 == "A"' data.txt ``` `awk` is highly versatile and allows you

How to enclose each line in single/double quote and end with comma except for the last line should not have a comma?

 You can achieve this by using a simple loop in a scripting language like Bash or Python. Here's an example in Bash: ```bash #!/bin/bash # Your input file input_file="your_input.txt" # Output file output_file="output.txt" # Counter to track the line number line_number=0 # Start by creating an empty output file > "$output_file" # Read the input file line by line while IFS= read -r line; do   # Increment the line number   ((line_number++))      # Check if it's the last line   if [ $line_number -eq $(wc -l < "$input_file") ]; then     # If it's the last line, enclose in quotes without a comma     echo "\"$line\"" >> "$output_file"   else     # For all other lines, enclose in quotes and add a comma     echo "\"$line\"," >> "$output_file"   fi done < "$input_file" ``` This script reads each line from the `input_file`, encloses it in double quotes, an

using awk to print two columns one after another

  Using awk to Print Two Columns One After Another Introduction If you've ever needed to manipulate and analyze text data in Unix or Linux systems, you've probably come across the powerful command-line tool called awk . awk is a versatile programming language that allows you to perform various operations on structured data. In this article, we will explore how to use awk to print two columns one after another, a common task when dealing with tabular data. Understanding the Data Before we dive into the awk command, let's first understand the structure of the data we're working with. In this scenario, we have a file containing multiple rows and columns of data, typically separated by spaces or tabs. Our goal is to print two specific columns, side by side, for further analysis or visualization. The 'awk' Command The basic syntax of the awk command is as follows: awk '{print column1, column2}' filename Here, column1 and column2 represent the nu

awk command to map ASCII char to hex code not working

 If you want to map ASCII characters to their hexadecimal values using the `awk` command, you can do so using the `printf` function. Here's an example: ```bash echo "Hello, World!" | awk '{   for (i = 1; i <= length; i++) {     char = substr($0, i, 1)     printf "Character: %s, Hex: 0x%02x\n", char, char   } }' ``` In this example, the `awk` script processes each character in the input string and prints the character along with its hexadecimal value using the `printf` function. Make sure that you are providing the correct input data and that your `awk` command is properly formatted for your specific use case. If you encounter issues, please provide more details, and I can help you further.