
Showing posts with the label Terraform

Fix: How to combine monitors in Terraform which are dynamically generated?

 In Terraform, if you have dynamically generated resources such as monitors and you want to combine them into a single list or object, you can use a combination of Terraform's `for` expressions and the `merge` function. This allows you to aggregate or merge the dynamically generated resources into a single structure. Here's an example of how to do this: Suppose you have a dynamic block in your configuration that generates monitors: ```hcl resource "monitor" "example" {   count = 3   name = "monitor-${count.index}" } ``` To combine these dynamically generated monitors into a list: ```hcl locals {   monitors = [for m in monitor.example :] } ``` Now, the `locals.monitors` variable contains a list of monitor IDs. You can use this list in your Terraform configuration. If you want to create a map or object with the monitors where the monitor name is the key and the monitor ID is the value: ```hcl locals {   monitors_map = { for m in monitor.example