Fix: How to combine monitors in Terraform which are dynamically generated?

 In Terraform, if you have dynamically generated resources such as monitors and you want to combine them into a single list or object, you can use a combination of Terraform's `for` expressions and the `merge` function. This allows you to aggregate or merge the dynamically generated resources into a single structure. Here's an example of how to do this:

Suppose you have a dynamic block in your configuration that generates monitors:


resource "monitor" "example" {

  count = 3

  name = "monitor-${count.index}"



To combine these dynamically generated monitors into a list:


locals {

  monitors = [for m in monitor.example :]



Now, the `locals.monitors` variable contains a list of monitor IDs. You can use this list in your Terraform configuration.

If you want to create a map or object with the monitors where the monitor name is the key and the monitor ID is the value:


locals {

  monitors_map = { for m in monitor.example : => }



Now, the `locals.monitors_map` variable contains a map where the monitor names are the keys, and the monitor IDs are the values.

You can use these lists or maps in your Terraform configuration as needed.

Keep in mind that these examples are simplified, and your actual Terraform configuration might involve more complex structures or requirements. The key is to use `for` expressions and, if necessary, the `merge` function to aggregate dynamically generated resources based on your specific use case.

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