To send data from MIT App Inventor to an Arduino using Bluetooth, you will need to use Bluetooth communication modules on both ends. Below are the steps to achieve this:
1. An Android device with MIT App Inventor installed.
2. An Arduino board with a Bluetooth module (e.g., HC-05 or HC-06).
3. Basic knowledge of MIT App Inventor and Arduino programming.
1. **Set Up Arduino with Bluetooth Module:**
- Connect the Bluetooth module to your Arduino. Ensure it's properly wired (VCC, GND, TX, RX).
- Upload a simple Arduino sketch that listens to the Bluetooth module for incoming data. For example:
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial bluetooth(2, 3); // RX, TX
void setup() {
void loop() {
if (bluetooth.available()) {
char data =;
2. **Create an MIT App Inventor Project:**
- Open MIT App Inventor and create a new project.
- Add the BluetoothClient component to your project.
3. **Pair and Connect to Bluetooth Module:**
- In your MIT App Inventor project, use the BluetoothClient component to discover, pair, and connect to the Bluetooth module. You'll need to specify the Bluetooth address of your module.
4. **Design the User Interface:**
- Create a user interface (e.g., buttons, text boxes) in your MIT App Inventor app to send data to the Arduino.
5. **Send Data via Bluetooth:**
- Use the `BluetoothClient.SendText` or `BluetoothClient.SendBytes` block in your app's logic to send data to the Arduino. For example, if you want to send a text message:
BluetoothClient.SendText("Your message to Arduino")
6. **Receive Data on Arduino:**
- The Arduino code you uploaded earlier should already be listening for incoming data from the Bluetooth module. The received data will be available in the Arduino Serial Monitor for debugging.
7. **Process Data on Arduino:**
- In the Arduino sketch, you can process the received data as needed. For example, you can control motors, LEDs, or other devices based on the received commands.
8. **Test and Debug:**
- Test your MIT App Inventor app by connecting to the Bluetooth module and sending data to the Arduino. Use the Serial Monitor on the Arduino IDE to debug and check the received data.
This basic example demonstrates how to send data from MIT App Inventor to an Arduino using Bluetooth. You can extend this by creating a more elaborate protocol and adding error handling, as needed, in both the app and Arduino code.