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Fix: How to send Data from MIT App Inventor to Arduino using Bluetooth

 To send data from MIT App Inventor to an Arduino using Bluetooth, you will need to use Bluetooth communication modules on both ends. Below are the steps to achieve this: **Prerequisites:** 1. An Android device with MIT App Inventor installed. 2. An Arduino board with a Bluetooth module (e.g., HC-05 or HC-06). 3. Basic knowledge of MIT App Inventor and Arduino programming. **Steps:** 1. **Set Up Arduino with Bluetooth Module:**    - Connect the Bluetooth module to your Arduino. Ensure it's properly wired (VCC, GND, TX, RX).    - Upload a simple Arduino sketch that listens to the Bluetooth module for incoming data. For example:    ```arduino    #include <SoftwareSerial.h>    SoftwareSerial bluetooth(2, 3); // RX, TX    void setup() {      Serial.begin(9600);      bluetooth.begin(9600);    }    void loop() {      if (bluetooth.available()) {        char data =;        Serial.print(data);      }    }    ``` 2. **Create an MIT App Inventor Project:**    - Open MI