
Showing posts with the label POSTgreSQL

Fix: I can't connect my postgresql docker container to my .net 6 container

 If you're having trouble connecting your PostgreSQL Docker container to your .NET 6 container, it's likely due to configuration or network-related issues. Here are the steps to troubleshoot and resolve this problem: 1. **Network Configuration**:    Ensure that your PostgreSQL Docker container and your .NET 6 container are running on the same Docker network. By default, Docker creates a bridge network for containers, and containers attached to the same network can communicate with each other using the container name as the hostname.    To check the available networks:    ```bash    docker network ls    ```    Make sure both your PostgreSQL and .NET containers are on the same network. You can create a custom network if needed. 2. **Hostname Resolution**:    Use the PostgreSQL container name as the hostname when connecting from your .NET application. For example, if your PostgreSQL container is named "postgres-container," use this name as the host in your connection str

How to write SQL queries with double quotes in all column names without mentioning the column name in the table?

 Writing SQL queries with double quotes around all column names without specifying the column names in the table is not a common or recommended practice. However, in some database systems, you can achieve this by dynamically constructing SQL queries using system catalogs or metadata to obtain column names. Below are examples for PostgreSQL and Oracle databases, which support this kind of dynamic query construction: **PostgreSQL:** In PostgreSQL, you can use the `information_schema` to query the column names of a table and dynamically build your SQL query: ```sql DO $$  DECLARE      col_name text;     query text; BEGIN     FOR col_name IN          (SELECT column_name           FROM information_schema.columns           WHERE table_name = 'your_table_name')      LOOP         query := query || '"' || col_name || '", ';     END LOOP;          query := 'SELECT ' || substring(query, 1, length(query) - 2) || ' FROM your_table_name';     EXECUTE

Apache Beam Python SDK - Reading from Postgres using JDBC io

 To read data from a PostgreSQL database using the Apache Beam Python SDK and the JDBC IO connector, you can follow these steps: 1. **Install the Required Libraries**:    Ensure you have the necessary Apache Beam Python SDK and its dependencies installed. You'll also need the `apache-beam[gcp]` package for JDBC I/O support. You can install it using `pip`:    ```bash    pip install apache-beam[gcp]    ``` 2. **Write a Beam Pipeline**:    Write a Beam pipeline to read data from PostgreSQL. Here's a basic example:    ```python    import apache_beam as beam    # Create a pipeline    with beam.Pipeline() as p:        postgres_config = {            'host': 'your_postgres_host',            'database': 'your_database',            'username': 'your_username',            'password': 'your_password',            'port': 5432  # The default PostgreSQL port        }        # Read data from PostgreSQL        query = "