
Showing posts with the label Openrc

How to setup an OpenRC service to run at "login" level?

 To set up an OpenRC service to run at the "login" level in OpenRC-init based Linux distributions, you need to create a service script and define the runlevel at which it should start. Here are the steps: 1. **Create the Service Script**:    Create a script for your service in the `/etc/init.d/` directory. You can name it anything you like. For example, let's call it "my_service."    ```bash    sudo nano /etc/init.d/my_service    ```    Inside this script, you should define the start and stop actions for your service. Here's a simple example:    ```bash    #!/sbin/openrc-run    depend() {       need net    }    start() {       ebegin "Starting my_service"       # Your start commands here       eend $?    }    stop() {       ebegin "Stopping my_service"       # Your stop commands here       eend $?    }    ```    Make sure to replace `# Your start commands here` and `# Your stop commands here` with the actual commands for starting and stop