
Showing posts with the label Sumo

Fix: How can we display sumo select tooltip on decoded HTML

 If you're using the SumoSelect plugin for enhancing select elements and want to display tooltips on decoded HTML within the SumoSelect dropdown, you can achieve this by customizing the tooltips with the help of JavaScript. Here's a step-by-step guide: 1. **Include SumoSelect Plugin and jQuery:** Ensure that you have included the SumoSelect plugin and jQuery in your HTML file. 2. **Create the Select Element:** Create a select element in your HTML, and use the SumoSelect plugin to initialize it. ```html <select id="mySelect" multiple>   <option value="1" title="Tooltip for Option 1">Option 1</option>   <option value="2" title="Tooltip for Option 2">Option 2</option>   <option value="3" title="Tooltip for Option 3">Option 3</option> </select> ``` 3. **Customize the Tooltip Display:** Use JavaScript to customize the tooltip display for SumoSelect. You can use a com