
Showing posts with the label Wordpress

Fix: In wordpress the main theme template is not working on my child theme

 If the main theme template is not working in your WordPress child theme, there are a few common issues and steps to consider: 1. Template Hierarchy: WordPress follows a template hierarchy, and child themes can override parent theme templates. Ensure that your child theme has the same template files with the correct names as the parent theme. Common template files include `header.php`, `footer.php`, `single.php`, `page.php`, etc. If your child theme has its own versions of these files, they will be used instead of the parent theme's. 2. Template File Inheritance: If your child theme is missing certain template files, WordPress will fall back to using the parent theme's template files. Make sure that your child theme includes the necessary template files that you want to customize. 3. Template Tags and Hooks: If your child theme relies on specific template tags or action/filter hooks from the parent theme, ensure that these functions and hooks are present and correctly used in y

WordPress reduces image quality after uploading

 If WordPress is reducing the image quality after uploading, it's likely due to image compression settings. WordPress applies image compression to reduce file sizes, which can help with site performance by reducing load times. However, this compression can sometimes result in a noticeable reduction in image quality. Here are some steps to control image quality in WordPress: 1. **Check Your Theme**:    Some WordPress themes come with their image compression settings. Check your theme's settings to see if it has its image optimization options. Adjust them if needed. 2. **Use Smush or Image Optimization Plugins**:    There are several WordPress plugins available that allow you to control image compression settings. "Smush" is a popular plugin that can optimize images while maintaining good quality. Install and configure an image optimization plugin to suit your preferences. 3. **Manually Optimize Images Before Uploading**:    To have full control over image quality, manu