
Showing posts with the label Attribute

Why the required attribute doesn't work on form?

 If the `required` attribute is not working as expected on a form element in HTML, it's important to check a few things to troubleshoot the issue: 1. **HTML Version**:    Ensure that you are using HTML5. The `required` attribute is part of the HTML5 specification, and it may not work as expected in older HTML versions. 2. **Form Element**:    The `required` attribute should be added to form fields such as `input`, `select`, or `textarea` elements, not directly on the `<form>` tag. 3. **Input Elements**:    If you're using `input` elements, make sure they have a type that can be required. For example, `text`, `email`, `password`, and `number` inputs can have the `required` attribute. 4. **Form Submission**:    Ensure that you are submitting the form correctly, typically using a submit button within the form, like `<button type="submit">Submit</button>`. The `required` attribute will trigger form validation upon submission. 5. **Modern Browsers**:    C