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how to read delta table data from adls using python function app

 Reading Delta Lake tables from Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) using a Python Azure Function App involves several steps, including setting up the Function App, installing the necessary libraries, and writing code to read the Delta table. Here's a high-level guide: **Prerequisites:** 1. You need an Azure account and access to Azure Data Lake Storage. 2. You should have a Delta Lake table stored in ADLS. **Steps:** 1. **Create an Azure Function App**:    - Create an Azure Function App in the Azure Portal. 2. **Function App Configuration**:    - Set up the necessary configuration settings for your Function App, including any connection strings or secrets needed to access ADLS and Delta Lake. 3. **Create a Python Function**:    - In the Function App, create a Python function (e.g., HTTP-triggered function) that will read the Delta Lake table. 4. **Install Required Libraries**:    - In your Function App, you need to install the required Python libraries for working with Delta Lake and A