
Showing posts with the label NextAuth

Why NextAuth with Facebook provider is getting 500 Server Error?

 A 500 Server Error is a generic error code that indicates that something went wrong on the server, and it doesn't provide specific details about the issue. When using NextAuth.js with the Facebook provider and encountering a 500 Server Error, there are several common reasons this could be happening: 1. **Configuration Errors**: Double-check your NextAuth.js configuration, especially the `pages/api/auth/[...nextauth].js` file. Ensure that your configuration settings, such as `clientId`, `clientSecret`, and other options, are correct. Any typo or incorrect setting can cause a server error. 2. **Facebook App Configuration**: Make sure your Facebook App configuration matches what you've specified in your NextAuth.js configuration. This includes the App ID and App Secret. Ensure that your Facebook App is set up properly to allow authentication. 3. **Callback URL**: Verify that the callback URL you've specified in your Facebook App matches the URL you've configured in NextAu