
Showing posts with the label CentOS

Moved bin and other folders! How to get them back?

 If you've accidentally moved important system directories like `/bin`, `/usr`, or others, you may face significant issues with your Linux system. Here are some steps to attempt to recover from this situation: 1. **Recover from a Backup**:    If you have a system backup, the easiest and safest way to recover is by restoring the backup. This will bring your system back to a known good state. If you don't have a recent backup, this might be a good time to consider implementing a backup strategy for the future. 2. **Use a Live CD or Live USB**:    If you don't have a backup, you can use a Linux live CD or live USB to boot into a minimal system. From there, you can access your system's filesystem and attempt to move the directories back to their original locations.    a. Boot from a live CD or USB.    b. Mount your system's root partition. You might need to use a command like `sudo mount /dev/sdX /mnt`, replacing `/dev/sdX` with your actual root partition.    c. Use the

How to print each new line of command output to the file?

 To print each new line of command output to a file, you can use the `tee` command in combination with a pipeline. Here's how you can do it: ```bash your_command | tee -a output_file.txt ``` Replace `your_command` with the actual command you want to run, and `output_file.txt` with the name of the file where you want to save the output. The `-a` option in `tee` appends the output to the file, so if the file exists, the output will be added to it without overwriting its contents. If the file doesn't exist, it will be created. For example, if you want to save the output of a command called `my_command` to a file named `output.log`, you would run: ```bash my_command | tee -a output.log ``` This will both display the output on your terminal and append it to the `output.log` file.

CentOS: Install git with yum says glibc requires glibc-common older than installed

 To convert a FLAC audio file to Opus format while preserving the cover image using FFmpeg, you can use the following command: ```bash ffmpeg -i input.flac -i cover.jpg -c:v copy -c:a libopus -b:a 128k output.opus ``` Let me explain the command: - `-i input.flac`: This specifies the input FLAC audio file. - `-i cover.jpg`: This specifies the cover image to be included in the output Opus file. - `-c:v copy`: This copies the video stream (cover image) without re-encoding. - `-c:a libopus`: This specifies the audio codec to be used, which is Opus. - `-b:a 128k`: This sets the audio bitrate to 128 kbps. You can adjust this value as needed for your desired audio quality. - `output.opus`: This is the name of the output Opus audio file. By using this FFmpeg command, you should be able to convert the FLAC file to Opus format while preserving the cover image in the output file. Make sure to replace `input.flac`, `cover.jpg`, and `output.opus` with your specific file names.

Enabling wayland display server in CentOS stream9 automotive sig emulated by QEMU

Question about enabling the Wayland display server in CentOS Stream 9, emulated by QEMU for Automotive Grade Linux (AGL). Enabling Wayland as the display server in CentOS Stream 9, especially when emulated in a QEMU environment, involves several steps. Here's a general outline of what you need to do: 1. **Install Wayland and Weston**:    - Ensure that Wayland and Weston are installed on your CentOS Stream 9 system. You can use the package manager `dnf` to install them:      ```bash      sudo dnf install weston      ``` 2. **Configure Weston**:    - Create a Weston configuration file if it doesn't already exist. You can start with the default configuration by copying it to your user's home directory:      ```bash      cp /usr/share/wayland/weston.ini ~/.config/weston.ini      ```      Modify the `~/.config/weston.ini` file to customize Weston's behavior, such as specifying the display size and other settings. 3. **Launch Weston**:    - Start the Weston Wayland compositor