
Showing posts with the label ripmime

ripmime messes up if multiple From: headers

It appears that `ripmime` is not handling emails with multiple "From" headers as expected. `ripmime` is a tool used for extracting attachments and content from emails, and it may not always handle non-standard email formatting well. When dealing with emails that have multiple "From" headers, you can try a few troubleshooting steps: 1. **Check Email Format**: Ensure that the email in question complies with standard email format. Multiple "From" headers might be indicative of a non-standard or improperly formatted email. 2. **Update `ripmime`**: Make sure you are using the latest version of `ripmime` to take advantage of any bug fixes and improvements. 3. **Review Email Source**: Examine the source of the email to identify any anomalies or non-standard formatting that might be causing `ripmime` to malfunction. You can view the email source in your email client to investigate the headers. 4. **Use `--define` Option**: Try using the `--define` option with `rip