
Showing posts with the label Vue

Using dynamic slots and dynamic components

 Dynamic slots and dynamic components are advanced features in frameworks like Vue.js and React, allowing you to create highly flexible and reusable components. Here's an overview of how to use dynamic slots and components in Vue.js: **Dynamic Slots in Vue.js:** In Vue.js, dynamic slots allow you to create components that can accept a variable number of slot elements. You can use the `<slot>` element with a `name` attribute to define dynamic slots and pass content into them from the parent component. Here's a basic example: ```vue <!-- ParentComponent.vue --> <template>   <div>     <child-component>       <template v-slot:header>         <h1>Dynamic Header</h1>       </template>       <template v-slot:content>         <p>Dynamic Content</p>       </template>     </child-component>   </div> </template> <!-- ChildComponent.vue --> <template>   <div>     <slot name=