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To become a backend developer, what should I learn?

 To become a backend developer, you should focus on learning various technologies, programming languages, and concepts that are essential for building the server-side of web and mobile applications. Here's a roadmap of what you should learn: 1. **Programming Languages**:    - **JavaScript**: Learn the basics of JavaScript, which is often used for server-side development with Node.js.    - **Python**: Python is a popular language for building web applications using frameworks like Django and Flask.    - **Java**: Java is widely used for enterprise-level applications, and it's a key language for Android app development.    - **Ruby**: Ruby on Rails is a framework for web development and is a good choice for startups.    - **C#**: C# is commonly used for building web applications with ASP.NET. 2. **Web Frameworks**:    - Depending on the programming language you choose, learn a web framework associated with it. For example:      - Node.js with Express.js (JavaScript)      - Django