
Showing posts with the label React native

React Native project without TypeScript

 To create a React Native project without TypeScript, you can use the `react-native-cli` or `npx` command-line tool to set up a new project. Here are the steps: 1. **Install React Native CLI (if not already installed)**:    If you haven't installed the React Native CLI, you can do so using npm:    ```    npm install -g react-native-cli    ```    Or, if you prefer using npx, you don't need to install the CLI globally. 2. **Create a New React Native Project**:    Use the React Native CLI or npx to create a new project:    Using React Native CLI:    ```    react-native init YourProjectName    ```    Using npx (no need to install globally):    ```    npx react-native init YourProjectName    ``` 3. **Navigate to the Project Directory**:    ```    cd YourProjectName    ``` 4. **Remove TypeScript Configuration (optional)**:    By default, React Native projects created with `react-native init` include TypeScript support. If you want to remove TypeScript from your project, you can delet