
Showing posts with the label ssl

Fix: node.js native module SSL

 To work with SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) in a Node.js native module, you typically need to use the OpenSSL library and the Node.js `openssl` binding. SSL enables secure communication between a Node.js application and other services, such as web servers or databases, over an encrypted connection. Here are the general steps to create a Node.js native module that uses SSL: 1. **Prepare the Native Module**:    Create a new native Node.js module or use an existing one. You can set up your native module with the C/C++ code that will handle SSL functionality. 2. **Include OpenSSL Library**:    To work with SSL, you'll need to include the OpenSSL library in your C/C++ code. You can link against OpenSSL during the build process. Make sure you have the necessary OpenSSL headers and libraries installed on your system. 3. **Initialize SSL Context**:    In your native module's code, you'll need to initialize an SSL context using the OpenSSL library. This includes setting up SSL certific