
Showing posts with the label Excel

Fix: Export ExpandoObject to excel in C#

 To export data from an `ExpandoObject` to an Excel file in C#, you can use a library like EPPlus, which allows you to work with Excel files in a straightforward manner. EPPlus is available as a NuGet package. Here's how you can use it to export data to an Excel file: 1. **Install EPPlus**:    In your C# project, use NuGet Package Manager to install the EPPlus library:    ```bash    Install-Package EPPlus    ``` 2. **Create and Export Data**:    Here's a sample code to export data from an `ExpandoObject` to an Excel file using EPPlus:    ```csharp    using System;    using System.Collections.Generic;    using System.Dynamic;    using OfficeOpenXml;    class Program    {        static void Main(string[] args)        {            var data = new List<ExpandoObject>            {                new ExpandoObject(),                new ExpandoObject(),            };            // You can add properties to the ExpandoObject here, for example:            // ((dynamic)data[0]).Firs

Fix: How to cache an attached Excel file using Rails?

 Caching an attached Excel file in a Ruby on Rails application typically involves using a combination of Rails' caching mechanisms and storage services. Here's a general guide on how to achieve this: 1. **Add the Attachment**:    Ensure you have a model in your Rails application that handles file attachments. You can use a gem like Paperclip, CarrierWave, ActiveStorage (built into Rails 5+), or any other attachment library. For example, with ActiveStorage, you can attach files to your model like this:    ```ruby    class Report < ApplicationRecord      has_one_attached :excel_file    end    ``` 2. **Upload the Excel File**:    Your application should allow users to upload Excel files and attach them to a specific record. 3. **Enable Caching**:    Rails provides built-in caching support. You can configure caching by specifying the cache store in your `config/environments/production.rb` file. For example, to use file-based caching:    ```ruby    config.cache_store = :file_stor