Fix: Export ExpandoObject to excel in C#

 To export data from an `ExpandoObject` to an Excel file in C#, you can use a library like EPPlus, which allows you to work with Excel files in a straightforward manner. EPPlus is available as a NuGet package. Here's how you can use it to export data to an Excel file:

1. **Install EPPlus**:

   In your C# project, use NuGet Package Manager to install the EPPlus library:


   Install-Package EPPlus


2. **Create and Export Data**:

   Here's a sample code to export data from an `ExpandoObject` to an Excel file using EPPlus:


   using System;

   using System.Collections.Generic;

   using System.Dynamic;

   using OfficeOpenXml;

   class Program


       static void Main(string[] args)


           var data = new List<ExpandoObject>


               new ExpandoObject(),

               new ExpandoObject(),


           // You can add properties to the ExpandoObject here, for example:

           // ((dynamic)data[0]).FirstName = "John";

           // ((dynamic)data[0]).LastName = "Doe";

           ExportToExcel(data, "output.xlsx");


       static void ExportToExcel(List<ExpandoObject> data, string fileName)


           using (var package = new ExcelPackage())


               var worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Sheet1");

               var rowIndex = 1;

               // Assuming the properties are the same for all ExpandoObjects

               var properties = ((IDictionary<string, object>)data[0]).Keys;

               // Create header row

               foreach (var property in properties)


                   worksheet.Cells[rowIndex, properties.ToList().IndexOf(property) + 1].Value = property;



               // Populate data rows

               foreach (var item in data)


                   var rowData = (IDictionary<string, object>)item;

                   foreach (var property in properties)


                       worksheet.Cells[rowIndex, properties.ToList().IndexOf(property) + 1].Value = rowData[property];




               package.SaveAs(new System.IO.FileInfo(fileName));





3. **Modify the `data` List**:

   In this example, the `data` List contains two `ExpandoObject` instances. You can add properties and data to these objects according to your requirements.

4. **Specify the Output File**:

   The `ExportToExcel` method exports the data to an Excel file named "output.xlsx" in the current directory. You can change the `fileName` parameter to specify a different output file path.

This example is a basic starting point for exporting data from `ExpandoObject` to an Excel file. You can expand upon it to match your specific data and formatting needs.


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