
Showing posts with the label Grub

GRUB loader won't start in secure boot

 If you're experiencing issues with GRUB not starting in Secure Boot mode, it could be due to several reasons. Secure Boot is a security feature that can prevent unsigned or improperly signed bootloaders and kernels from running. Here are steps to resolve this issue: 1. **Check Secure Boot Status**:    First, make sure that Secure Boot is enabled in your BIOS/UEFI settings. You'll need to access your system's firmware settings during the boot process, usually by pressing a key like F2, F12, or Del. Confirm that Secure Boot is turned on. 2. **GRUB Configuration**:    Ensure that GRUB is properly configured and signed for Secure Boot. The GRUB bootloader needs to be signed using a Secure Boot key. You can typically do this with tools like `shim` or `sb-sign`. Verify that your GRUB configuration is set to load signed kernels. 3. **Kernel Signing**:    The kernel that GRUB loads also needs to be signed. Check if your kernel is signed with an appropriate Secure Boot key. You can

grub cannot find iso file

 If Grub is unable to find an ISO file for booting, it's likely a configuration issue or the file path might not be correctly specified. Here are steps to troubleshoot and potentially resolve the issue: 1. **Check ISO File Path:** Make sure the ISO file you want to boot from is located in a directory that Grub can access. Ensure that the file path in your Grub configuration is accurate. 2. **Use the Correct Syntax:** When specifying the ISO file in your Grub configuration, use the correct syntax. For example:    ```    set isofile="/path/to/your/iso-file.iso"    loopback loop ($root)$isofile    ```    The path should match the actual location of your ISO file. 3. **Update Grub Configuration:** After making changes, update your Grub configuration to ensure the changes are applied. You can do this by running:    ```    sudo update-grub    ``` 4. **Check Drive Number:** Ensure that you specify the correct drive and partition number when using Grub to boot from an ISO. For ex

Black screen in GRUB via DisplayPort

Experiencing a black screen in GRUB via DisplayPort can be due to various reasons. Here are some steps you can try to diagnose and potentially fix the issue: 1. **Check Your Cable and Monitor:** Ensure that your DisplayPort cable and monitor are working correctly. Sometimes, a loose cable connection or a faulty cable can cause display problems. 2. **Graphics Driver:** Make sure your graphics driver is up to date. If you can't see anything during the GRUB stage, you may need to boot into your operating system and update the graphics driver from there. 3. **GRUB Resolution:** The default resolution used by GRUB may not be compatible with your monitor. You can try changing the GRUB resolution. To do this, you'll need to edit the `/etc/default/grub` file and change the `GRUB_GFXMODE` and `GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX` parameters to match your monitor's resolution. After editing the file, run `sudo update-grub` to apply the changes. 4. **UEFI/BIOS Settings:** Check your UEFI/BIOS setti

Grub disappeared

Here's a summary of common steps to recover a missing GRUB bootloader: 1. **Boot from Live CD/USB**: If your GRUB bootloader has disappeared, you may need to boot your system from a live CD or USB drive with your Linux distribution. 2. **Mount Your Linux Partition**: Use the live environment to mount the partition where your Linux system is installed. Typically, this is done with a command like:    ```bash    sudo mount /dev/sdXY /mnt    ```    Replace `/dev/sdXY` with the actual partition where your Linux system is installed. 3. **Chroot into Your System**: Change your root directory to the mounted partition with the `chroot` command. For example:    ```bash    sudo chroot /mnt    ``` 4. **Reinstall GRUB**: Reinstall the GRUB bootloader. The specific command depends on your Linux distribution. For Ubuntu, it's usually:    ```bash    sudo grub-install /dev/sdX    ```    For other distributions, you might use:    ```bash    sudo grub-install /dev/sdX    ```    Replace `/dev/sdX`