Grub disappeared

Here's a summary of common steps to recover a missing GRUB bootloader:

1. **Boot from Live CD/USB**: If your GRUB bootloader has disappeared, you may need to boot your system from a live CD or USB drive with your Linux distribution.

2. **Mount Your Linux Partition**: Use the live environment to mount the partition where your Linux system is installed. Typically, this is done with a command like:


   sudo mount /dev/sdXY /mnt


   Replace `/dev/sdXY` with the actual partition where your Linux system is installed.

3. **Chroot into Your System**: Change your root directory to the mounted partition with the `chroot` command. For example:


   sudo chroot /mnt


4. **Reinstall GRUB**: Reinstall the GRUB bootloader. The specific command depends on your Linux distribution. For Ubuntu, it's usually:


   sudo grub-install /dev/sdX


   For other distributions, you might use:


   sudo grub-install /dev/sdX


   Replace `/dev/sdX` with the drive where you want to install GRUB.

5. **Update GRUB Configuration**: Update the GRUB configuration file:


   sudo update-grub


6. **Exit Chroot and Reboot**: Exit the chroot environment, unmount your partition, and reboot your computer:



   sudo umount /mnt

   sudo reboot


These steps should help you recover a missing GRUB bootloader. However, the exact commands may vary depending on your Linux distribution, so be sure to refer to your distribution's documentation for more specific instructions.


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