
Showing posts with the label Reactjs

Fix: Three js 360 degree image annotation

 Creating a 360-degree image annotation feature in a ReactJS application using Three.js can be a bit complex, but it's certainly doable. Here's a high-level overview of the steps you can follow: 1. **Set Up Your React App**:    - Create a new React app using `create-react-app` or your preferred method. 2. **Install Three.js**:    - You'll need to install the Three.js library for 3D rendering. You can do this using npm or yarn:      ```bash      npm install three      ``` 3. **Create a 360-Degree Viewer**:    - Set up a component to render the 360-degree image using Three.js. You'll need to create a scene, camera, and a sphere geometry to map the 360-degree image onto. 4. **Load the 360-Degree Image**:    - You'll need to load your 360-degree image using the `THREE.TextureLoader`. Make sure your image is in the equirectangular format, which is commonly used for 360-degree images. 5. **Create Annotations**:    - Implement a way to create and display annotations. You c

Fix: change config-overrides.js location

 I'll provide a general guideline on how to change the location of a configuration file like "config-overrides.js" for many JavaScript-based projects. Assuming you want to change the location of a "config-overrides.js" file in your project: 1. **Locate the Configuration File**: First, find the existing "config-overrides.js" file within your project directory. 2. **Move the File**: You can move the file to a new location using your operating system's file management tools, or by using the command line. For example, if you're using a Unix-based system, you can use the `mv` command:    ```bash    mv /path/to/old/config-overrides.js /path/to/new/location/config-overrides.js    ``` 3. **Update References**: If your project relies on the original location of "config-overrides.js," you need to update references to the new location. This might include modifying build scripts or configuration files that point to this file. 4. **Test**: After m

Fix: How do I get my reactjs pie chart display?

 To display a pie chart in a React.js application, you can use a charting library like `react-chartjs-2` or `recharts`. I'll provide an example using `react-chartjs-2`, which is a popular choice for integrating Chart.js with React. Here's how to get a simple pie chart displayed in a React component: 1. **Install Dependencies:**    First, make sure you have `react-chartjs-2` and `chart.js` installed in your project. You can do this using npm or yarn:    ```bash    npm install react-chartjs-2 chart.js    ```    or    ```bash    yarn add react-chartjs-2 chart.js    ``` 2. **Create a Pie Chart Component:**    Create a new component for your pie chart. For example, `PieChart.js`.    ```javascript    import React from 'react';    import { Pie } from 'react-chartjs-2';    const PieChart = () => {      const data = {        labels: ['Label 1', 'Label 2', 'Label 3'],        datasets: [          {            data: [30, 40, 30], // Data values  

Material UI table's column width not changing as desired

 When you find that Material-UI Table's column width is not changing as desired in your React.js application, it can be due to a variety of reasons. Here are some steps to help you troubleshoot and adjust the column widths: 1. **Use `width` Property**: The `TableHead` component allows you to specify the width of columns using the `width` property on the `TableCell` elements inside the `TableRow`. For example:    ```jsx    <TableHead>      <TableRow>        <TableCell width="100">Column 1</TableCell>        <TableCell width="200">Column 2</TableCell>      </TableRow>    </TableHead>    ``` 2. **Use CSS Styling**: You can adjust column widths using CSS. Add a class or style to the `TableCell` elements and set the `width` property in CSS.    ```jsx    <TableCell className="custom-column">Column 1</TableCell>    ```    In your CSS:    ```css    .custom-column {      width: 100px; /* Adjust as need

Distribute percentage across different inputs

To distribute a percentage across different inputs in a React.js application, you can follow these steps: 1. **Create a React Component**: Create a React component that will display the inputs and allow users to specify percentages. 2. **Set Up State**: Use React state to manage the input values and percentage distribution. You can use the `useState` hook for functional components or the `this.state` for class components. 3. **Render Inputs**: Render input fields that allow users to specify the percentage for each item. You can use text inputs, sliders, or any other input method you prefer. 4. **Handle Input Changes**: Create event handlers to capture changes in the input values. When a user modifies the percentage for one item, the event handler should update the state accordingly. 5. **Distribute Percentages**: Calculate and display the allocated percentage for each item based on the user's input. You'll need to ensure that the total percentage doesn't exceed 100% or any