
Showing posts with the label Swiftui

Picking A Video File From PhotoLibrary With SwiftUI

 In SwiftUI, you can allow the user to pick a video file from their photo library using the `UIImagePickerController`. Here's a step-by-step guide to achieve this: 1. **Import Required Modules**:    Ensure you import the necessary modules at the top of your SwiftUI view file.    ```swift    import SwiftUI    import UIKit    ``` 2. **Create a SwiftUI View**:    Create a SwiftUI view where you will implement the video selection functionality.    ```swift    struct VideoPickerView: View {        @State private var isShowingImagePicker = false        @State private var selectedVideo: URL?                var body: some View {            VStack {                if selectedVideo != nil {                    VideoPlayer(player: AVPlayer(url: selectedVideo!))                        .frame(height: 300)                } else {                    Button("Select Video") {                        isShowingImagePicker.toggle()                    }                }            }