
Terragrunt state file keeps overriding

If your Terragrunt state file keeps getting overridden, there could be a few reasons for this issue. Here are some common troubleshooting steps: 1. **Terragrunt Configuration:** Ensure that your Terragrunt configuration is correctly set up. Make sure…

Terraform AWS Codebuild GIT Integration

Integrating AWS CodeBuild with a Git repository using Terraform involves creating the necessary resources, such as the CodeBuild project, source control connection, and roles. Here's how you can set up this integration: 1. **Prepare Your Environm…

Connecting AWS DDB from localhost

To connect to Amazon DynamoDB (DDB) from your localhost, you typically need to use the AWS SDK and configure your credentials properly. Here are the general steps to connect to AWS DynamoDB from your local environment: 1. **Install AWS CLI and SDK**:…

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