
Showing posts with the label Aws

Fix: AWS CDK Api Gateway MTLS ownershipVerificationCertificate for imported certificates on ACM

 Amazon API Gateway Mutual TLS (mTLS) allows you to secure communication between your client and API Gateway by using client certificates issued by AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). When you want to use imported (non-ACM) certificates for mTLS with API Gateway, you need to specify the `ownershipVerificationCertificate` property in your AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) code. Here's an example of how to do this using the AWS CDK in TypeScript: ```typescript import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib'; import * as apigateway from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-apigateway'; const app = new cdk.App(); const stack = new cdk.Stack(app, 'MyApiStack'); // Replace 'your-api-name' with your API name const api = new apigateway.RestApi(stack, 'YourApiName', {   restApiName: 'YourApiName',   description: 'Your API description',   endpointTypes: [apigateway.EndpointType.REGIONAL], // or EDGE if using CloudFront }); // Import your custom certificate from ACM or elsewhe

Fix: How to Upload an Image with Tasker to an S3 Server via HTTP Post or REST using AWS Access and Secret Keys?

 Uploading an image to an S3 server using Tasker and AWS Access and Secret Keys involves a series of steps, including creating an HTTP POST request with appropriate headers and parameters. Tasker is a versatile automation app for Android, and you can use its HTTP POST action to interact with AWS S3. Below are the steps to accomplish this: **Requirements:** - Tasker app for Android. - AWS Access Key and Secret Key. - Amazon S3 bucket to upload the image to. - A file manager app to select the image. **Steps:** 1. **Prepare Your AWS S3 Bucket:**    Ensure that you have an AWS S3 bucket configured with the necessary permissions to allow file uploads. 2. **Create a Task in Tasker:**    - Open Tasker and create a new task.    - Add an action: `Net > HTTP Post`.     3. **Configure the HTTP Post Action:**    - In the "Server:Port" field, enter the S3 endpoint for your region. For example, if you're using the US East (N. Virginia) region, the endpoint will be ``

Terragrunt state file keeps overriding

 If your Terragrunt state file keeps getting overridden, there could be a few reasons for this issue. Here are some common troubleshooting steps: 1. **Terragrunt Configuration:** Ensure that your Terragrunt configuration is correctly set up. Make sure the `remote_state` block in your Terragrunt configuration points to the correct remote state backend (e.g., S3, GCS, or a local backend) and the correct state file key. 2. **Backend Configuration:** Double-check the configuration of your remote state backend. Ensure that it has the correct settings, including the bucket name, region, and credentials, if applicable. 3. **Concurrency:** If you are running multiple Terragrunt commands concurrently (e.g., in different terminal windows or CI/CD pipelines), make sure they are not trying to write to the same state file simultaneously. This can lead to conflicts and overridden state files. 4. **Locking:** Terragrunt does not provide built-in state locking mechanisms. If multiple users or processe

Terraform AWS Codebuild GIT Integration

 Integrating AWS CodeBuild with a Git repository using Terraform involves creating the necessary resources, such as the CodeBuild project, source control connection, and roles. Here's how you can set up this integration: 1. **Prepare Your Environment**:    Make sure you have AWS CLI and Terraform installed and configured with the necessary AWS credentials. 2. **Create a CodeBuild Project**:    Define your CodeBuild project in your Terraform configuration. Here's a minimal example:    ```hcl    resource "aws_codebuild_project" "example_project" {      name = "example-project"      description = "Example CodeBuild Project"      build_timeout = 5      service_role = aws_iam_role.codebuild_role.arn      source {        type = "GITHUB"        location = ""        buildspec = file("buildspec.yml")      }      environment {        compute_type = &

Connecting AWS DDB from localhost

 To connect to Amazon DynamoDB (DDB) from your localhost, you typically need to use the AWS SDK and configure your credentials properly. Here are the general steps to connect to AWS DynamoDB from your local environment: 1. **Install AWS CLI and SDK**:    If you haven't already, install the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) and AWS SDK for your programming language of choice. You can find installation instructions on the AWS website. 2. **Configure AWS CLI**:    Run `aws configure` and provide your AWS access key, secret key, default region, and output format. This will set up your AWS CLI with the necessary credentials. 3. **Use AWS SDK**:    In your code, import the AWS SDK for the programming language you're using. You'll need to configure it to use the AWS CLI's credentials. This configuration can vary depending on the language, but here's an example for Python using the `boto3` library:    ```python    import boto3    dynamodb = boto3.client('dynamodb')