Terraform AWS Codebuild GIT Integration

 Integrating AWS CodeBuild with a Git repository using Terraform involves creating the necessary resources, such as the CodeBuild project, source control connection, and roles. Here's how you can set up this integration:

1. **Prepare Your Environment**:

   Make sure you have AWS CLI and Terraform installed and configured with the necessary AWS credentials.

2. **Create a CodeBuild Project**:

   Define your CodeBuild project in your Terraform configuration. Here's a minimal example:


   resource "aws_codebuild_project" "example_project" {

     name = "example-project"

     description = "Example CodeBuild Project"

     build_timeout = 5

     service_role = aws_iam_role.codebuild_role.arn

     source {

       type = "GITHUB"

       location = "https://github.com/your-username/your-repo.git"

       buildspec = file("buildspec.yml")


     environment {

       compute_type = "BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL"




   This example creates a CodeBuild project that integrates with a GitHub repository.

3. **Create an IAM Role for CodeBuild**:

   Define an IAM role for CodeBuild that allows it to access your Git repository. Ensure that the role has the required permissions for CodeBuild to pull the source code. You can use Terraform to create this role:


   resource "aws_iam_role" "codebuild_role" {

     name = "codebuild-role"

     assume_role_policy = jsonencode({

       Version = "2012-10-17",

       Statement = [


           Action = "sts:AssumeRole",

           Effect = "Allow",

           Principal = {

             Service = "codebuild.amazonaws.com"







   You should attach a policy to this role that allows access to your Git repository. The exact policy may vary based on the Git service you're using.

4. **Create a Source Control Connection**:

   If you're using AWS CodeStar Connections, you can create a connection to GitHub, Bitbucket, or other supported repositories. Define the connection in your Terraform configuration, which will include the ARN of the connection. Here's an example for GitHub:


   resource "aws_codestarconnections_connection" "github" {

     name = "my-github-connection"

     provider_type = "GitHub"

     owner_account_id = "your-github-account-id"

     connection_status_token = "your-connection-status-token"



5. **Integrate the CodeBuild Project with the Connection**:

   Link the CodeBuild project with the source control connection by specifying the `source` block in the CodeBuild project's configuration:


   source {

     type = "CODEPIPELINE"

     location = aws_codestarconnections_connection.github.arn



   This ensures that your CodeBuild project uses the specified source control connection.

6. **Apply Your Terraform Configuration**:

   Run `terraform init`, `terraform plan`, and `terraform apply` to create the CodeBuild project, IAM role, and source control connection.

7. **Start a Build**:

   Trigger a build in your CodeBuild project, either manually or through a CI/CD pipeline. The CodeBuild project will fetch the source code from your Git repository based on the connection you configured.

By following these steps, you can use Terraform to set up AWS CodeBuild with Git integration, allowing you to automate your build and deployment processes. Remember to customize your configuration to match your specific requirements and Git service.


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