
Showing posts with the label Graph

Fix: Persistence of memory allocation in Galaxybase graph database startup

 The persistence of memory allocation in the startup of a Galaxybase graph database primarily depends on configuring the memory settings correctly. Here's how you can configure memory settings in the startup code for a Galaxybase graph database: Assuming you are using a configuration file (common in many database systems), you should specify memory-related settings there. Here's an example of a typical Galaxybase configuration file (in YAML format) with memory-related settings: ```yaml # Galaxybase Configuration server:   port: 8182 # Memory Configuration memory:   # Maximum heap size for the JVM   max-heap: 2g # Adjust the size as needed   # Off-heap memory allocation (if supported)   off-heap: 1g # Adjust the size as needed # Other Configuration Settings # ... ``` In this example: - `max-heap` specifies the maximum heap size for the JVM (Java Virtual Machine). You can adjust this value according to your system's available memory. The `2g` indicates 2 gigabytes of heap s