
Showing posts with the label Android

Fix: Best way to implement focus highlight in Jetpack Compose?

 To implement focus highlighting in Jetpack Compose, you can use the `Modifier.focusRequester` and `Modifier.focusModifier` functions. Here's a basic example of how to do it: 1. Define a `FocusRequester`: ```kotlin val focusRequester = remember { FocusRequester() } ``` 2. Apply the `Modifier.focusRequester` to the composable that should receive focus: ```kotlin YourComposable(     modifier = Modifier         .clickable { /* Handle click event */ }         .focusRequester(focusRequester) ) ``` 3. Define a composable that represents the focus highlight: ```kotlin val focusModifier = Modifier     .border(2.dp, Color.Blue)     .padding(4.dp) ``` 4. Apply the `Modifier.focusModifier` to the composable that should display the focus highlight: ```kotlin YourComposable(     modifier = Modifier         .focusModifier(focusRequester, focusModifier) ) ``` Now, when the composable is clicked, it will request focus, and the composable with `focusModifier` will display a blue border to indicate

Fix: Set a custom toolbar .NET Maui Android

 To set a custom toolbar in a .NET MAUI Android application, you can use the `ToolbarItem` class to create custom toolbar items, and then set these items to the `Page` to achieve the desired behavior. Here's how you can do it: 1. **Create a Custom Toolbar Item**:    Create a custom `ToolbarItem` with a specific `Text`, `Icon`, and `Command` (if needed). This is an example of creating a custom toolbar item with an icon:    ```csharp    var customToolbarItem = new ToolbarItem    {        IconImageSource = "your_icon.png",        Text = "Custom",        Command = new Command(() =>        {            // Handle the custom toolbar item click event            // You can open a popup, navigate to another page, etc.        })    };    ``` 2. **Set the Toolbar Items on a Page**:    To add the custom toolbar item to a specific page, set the `ToolbarItems` property of that page. For example:    ```csharp    MainPage = new ContentPage    {        ToolbarItems = {        

Android Jetpack Compose: How to Prevent a Pinned Dynamic Shortcut from Getting Updated?

 In Android Jetpack Compose, dynamic shortcuts can be updated automatically by the system when the associated data changes. If you want to prevent a pinned dynamic shortcut from getting updated, you can use a unique identifier for the shortcut that remains constant. Here's how you can do it: 1. **Specify a unique `id` for the dynamic shortcut**: When creating a dynamic shortcut, provide a unique identifier for it using the `setLongLived(true)` method. This indicates that the shortcut should not be updated based on changes in associated data. ```kotlin DynamicShortcutManagerCompat(context).reportShortcut(     ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder(context, "unique_id") // Use a unique ID here         .setShortLabel("Shortcut Label")         .setIntent(/* your intent here */)         .setLongLived(true) // Prevent automatic updates         .build() ) ``` 2. **Use a constant ID**: Ensure that the `id` you specify remains constant for this particular shortcut. It shouldn't