Fix: Set a custom toolbar .NET Maui Android

 To set a custom toolbar in a .NET MAUI Android application, you can use the `ToolbarItem` class to create custom toolbar items, and then set these items to the `Page` to achieve the desired behavior. Here's how you can do it:

1. **Create a Custom Toolbar Item**:

   Create a custom `ToolbarItem` with a specific `Text`, `Icon`, and `Command` (if needed). This is an example of creating a custom toolbar item with an icon:


   var customToolbarItem = new ToolbarItem


       IconImageSource = "your_icon.png",

       Text = "Custom",

       Command = new Command(() =>


           // Handle the custom toolbar item click event

           // You can open a popup, navigate to another page, etc.




2. **Set the Toolbar Items on a Page**:

   To add the custom toolbar item to a specific page, set the `ToolbarItems` property of that page. For example:


   MainPage = new ContentPage


       ToolbarItems = {



       Content = new StackLayout


           // Your page content here




3. **Add the Icon Image**:

   Ensure that the icon image (`your_icon.png` in this example) is added to the platform-specific Android project's `Resources` directory.

4. **Custom Toolbar Styles**:

   If you want to style the toolbar items or the entire toolbar, you can use custom renderers for the `ToolbarItem` and the toolbar itself. This requires platform-specific code. For Android, you can use the `CustomRenderer` to customize the toolbar's appearance.

Here's an example of a custom renderer for the `ToolbarItem` in the Android project:


using Android.Content;

using Android.Graphics;

using AndroidX.AppCompat.Widget;

using YourAppNamespace;

using YourAppNamespace.Droid;

using Xamarin.Forms;

using Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android;

[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(ToolbarItem), typeof(CustomToolbarItemRenderer))]

namespace YourAppNamespace.Droid


    public class CustomToolbarItemRenderer : ToolbarItemRenderer


        public CustomToolbarItemRenderer(Context context) : base(context)



        protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<ToolbarItem> e)



            if (e.NewElement != null)


                var toolbarItem = e.NewElement;

                // Customize the appearance of the toolbar item as needed






Remember to replace `YourAppNamespace` with the actual namespace of your MAUI application.

With this custom renderer, you can define custom styling and behavior for the toolbar items.

Keep in mind that MAUI is under active development, and there might be changes and improvements in future versions. Be sure to refer to the latest documentation and guidelines specific to .NET MAUI for any updates.


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