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how to know using X11 the percentage of battery level ?

To monitor the battery level using X11, you can use tools such as `acpi`, `upower`, or access the information directly from the `/sys/class/power_supply` directory. Here's a brief overview of how to get the battery level using these methods: 1. **Using `acpi`**:    The `acpi` utility provides information about the battery status. To check the battery percentage, you can run:    ```bash    acpi -b    ```    This command will display battery status, including the charge percentage. 2. **Using `upower`**:    `upower` is another utility that provides information about power devices, including batteries. To check the battery percentage:    ```bash    upower -i /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT0    ```    Replace `/org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT0` with the appropriate path for your system if needed. 3. **Directly from `/sys/class/power_supply`**:    You can access battery status information directly from the `/sys/class/power_supply` directory. The battery informati