how to know using X11 the percentage of battery level ?

To monitor the battery level using X11, you can use tools such as `acpi`, `upower`, or access the information directly from the `/sys/class/power_supply` directory.

Here's a brief overview of how to get the battery level using these methods:

1. **Using `acpi`**:

   The `acpi` utility provides information about the battery status. To check the battery percentage, you can run:


   acpi -b


   This command will display battery status, including the charge percentage.

2. **Using `upower`**:

   `upower` is another utility that provides information about power devices, including batteries. To check the battery percentage:


   upower -i /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT0


   Replace `/org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT0` with the appropriate path for your system if needed.

3. **Directly from `/sys/class/power_supply`**:

   You can access battery status information directly from the `/sys/class/power_supply` directory. The battery information is stored in files like `capacity` and `status`.

   For example, to check the battery percentage:


   cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity


   The `/sys/class/power_supply` directory may vary depending on your system and hardware, so check for the correct path on your system.

These methods should allow you to obtain the battery percentage using X11 or the command line. You can incorporate this information into your scripts or use it as needed.


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