
Showing posts with the label Vega

Line interpolation order in a radar plot in VEGA

 In Vega, a declarative visualization grammar, you can specify the order of line interpolation in a radar plot (also known as a polar or spider plot) by defining the `interpolate` property within the mark definition of your Vega specification. The `interpolate` property determines how the lines connecting data points in the radar plot are interpolated. Here's how you can set the interpolation order for a radar plot in Vega: ```json {   "data": {     "values": [       {"category": "A", "value": 0.5},       {"category": "B", "value": 0.6},       {"category": "C", "value": 0.8},       {"category": "D", "value": 0.7},       {"category": "E", "value": 0.4}     ]   },   "scales": [     {       "name": "category",       "type": "point",       "domain": {"dat