
Showing posts with the label Airflow

Airflow variable encryption not showing

 If Airflow variable encryption is not working as expected and the encrypted values are not displayed properly, you might need to troubleshoot the issue. Airflow provides a feature to encrypt sensitive variable values stored in the metadata database. Here are steps to diagnose and resolve the problem: 1. **Check Airflow Version**: Ensure you are using a version of Airflow that supports variable encryption. Variable encryption was introduced in Airflow 1.10.9, so if you are using an older version, consider upgrading. 2. **Encryption Algorithm**: Verify that the encryption algorithm is properly configured in your Airflow installation. Airflow uses the `Fernet` symmetric key encryption algorithm by default. Ensure that the key used for encryption and decryption is the same. 3. **Key Configuration**: Double-check that the `fernet_key` is correctly set in your `airflow.cfg` configuration file. The key should be stored in a secure manner.    ```ini    [secrets]    fernet_key = YourFernetKeyH