
Showing posts with the label Icewm

Icewm: Trying to move taskbar to right

 In IceWM, the taskbar is typically located at the bottom of the screen. If you want to move the taskbar to the right side of the screen, you'll need to modify the IceWM configuration. Here's how you can do it: 1. **Edit the IceWM Configuration File**:    IceWM's configuration is typically stored in a file called `.icewm/preferences` in your home directory. You can edit it using a text editor. For example:    ```bash    nano ~/.icewm/preferences    ``` 2. **Find or Add the TaskBar Configuration**:    Look for the section that configures the taskbar. If it's not present, you can add it. The lines may look something like this:    ```plaintext    TaskBarShowWorkspaces=1    TaskBarShowShowDesktopButton=1    TaskBarShowMinimizeButton=1    TaskBarShowWindowListMenu=1    TaskBarShowWindowNames=0    TaskBarShowWindowIcons=1    TaskBarShowClock=1    TaskBarShowAPMStatus=1    TaskBarAtTop=0    ``` 3. **Change `TaskBarAtTop`**:    To move the taskbar to the right side of the scree