
Showing posts with the label grpc

Fix: gRPC Web compilation with Emscripten

 Compiling gRPC Web with Emscripten involves several steps, as Emscripten is a toolchain for compiling C/C++ code into WebAssembly. Here's a general guide to help you get started: 1. **Install Emscripten:**    - Install Emscripten by following the instructions in the [official Emscripten documentation]( 2. **Clone gRPC Web Repository:**    - Clone the gRPC Web repository from GitHub:      ```bash      git clone      ``` 3. **Navigate to gRPC Web Repository:**    - Change your working directory to the gRPC Web repository:      ```bash      cd grpc-web      ``` 4. **Build gRPC Web with Emscripten:**    - Use Emscripten to compile gRPC Web's C++ code to WebAssembly. You'll need to configure the build to target WebAssembly. Typically, you'd run something like this:      ```bash      emcmake cmake .      emmake make      ``` 5. **Generate gRPC Web JavaScript Code:**    - After co