
Showing posts with the label Ionic

Ionic 7 capacitor 5 internet access does not work

 In Ionic 7 with Capacitor 5, if you're experiencing issues with internet access not working, there could be various reasons for this problem. Here are some troubleshooting steps to help you identify and resolve the issue: 1. **Check Permissions**:    Ensure that your app has the necessary permissions to access the internet. In Capacitor, you typically don't need to request explicit internet access permissions, but it's good to check if there are any required permissions for the device features you are using (e.g., camera, geolocation) that might indirectly affect internet access. 2. **CORS Issues**:    If your app is making requests to a remote server or API, make sure that the server's CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) settings are configured to allow requests from your app's domain. You can check this in the server's response headers. 3. **Network Connection**:    Ensure that your device is connected to the internet. Test your app on both Wi-Fi and mobile

Ionic - change build target directory

 To change the build target directory for an Ionic project, you can do so by configuring the output path in the project's `angular.json` file or `ionic.config.json` (for older versions of Ionic). Here are the steps to change the build target directory: 1. Open your Ionic project's `angular.json` file or `ionic.config.json`. The configuration structure may vary depending on the Ionic version you're using. 2. Locate the `"architect"` section or the `"build"` configuration. This is where you define the build settings. 3. Look for the `"options"` section within the build configuration. Here, you should find an `"outputPath"` property. This property specifies the target directory for your build output. 4. Update the `"outputPath"` to specify the desired target directory. For example: ```json "options": {   "outputPath": "dist/my-custom-directory",   // Other build options } ``` 5. Save the changes to